Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stories from Survivors

When I tell people I am walking 60 miles the usual response is "Are you crazy?" Below is an excerpt from an email I received from a fellow 3 Day walker. She and the others like her are the reason I walk...CALL ME CRAZY!

I am a survivor (diagnosed in 2007) living in Wyoming who walked Denver 3 Day August 28-30 with my survivor friend from Salt Lake City, Utah -- we had the same oncologist. We were so high and had so much fun planning and even fundraising. About six weeks after the walk she experienced a recurrence in her lung, then spine...after four months of graceful determination in the face of huge obstacles, Christi passed away suddenly on February 7th. I told her that I'd walk again for her and because of her. In response, her last email to me stated she would be with me in spirit. So I'm more passionate than ever as you might imagine. My daughter (29) will be walking with me this year in Denver.